I integrated into the engine a physics assignment I had to do in university... The physics part will stay like this for some time, as I have to finish up with the PBR project for university. I hope to be able to add more stuff soon, I really enjoyed programming physics and collisions! :^)
- Added Rigidbody component to simulate physics on an object.
- Discrete collision detection with sort & sweep broadphase method, checking for AABB between the spheres at first.
- Gravity, damping and impulses and intersection correction.
- Added Collider component and shapes to detect discrete rigidbody collisions.
- current shapes include spheres and heighmaps.
- Added HeightMap mesh.
- Fixed #2.
- Fixed FPS counter.
- Fixed double draw on full screen editor.
Known bugs:
- Applications with UI elements interacting with engine objects can crash the app due to UI not being thread safe as of now (see example 07-Physics).