AvoRed Rust CMS implement with the help of axum web framework and surrealdb as database.
Please visit Demo AvoRed Rust CMS Admin
git clone https://github.com/avored/avored-rust-cms.git
cd avored-cms
cp .env .env.dev //Basically copy the .env.example file to .env
Set up your .env.dev
file you can rename the existing .env.prod
file make sure the database folder name, password salt, jwt secret setup properly random string and smtp information setup right if you wanted to use the forgot password feature(optional) NOTE: for local dev smtp info can be ignored.
cargo run
Once the application start you can visit http://localhost:3000/setup
this url will create database tables and admin user once you submit it and redirect to login screen but ignore this page as we got react admin setup in progress.
cd react-admin
cp .env.example .env //Basically copy the .env.example file to .env
npm i
npm start
Visit localhost:3000/admin
to access the react admin for the portal. Right now react admin does not have many pages redone yet but work in progress.
- Admin Users
- Roles/Permissions
- Components
- Pages
- Fields
- Asset Manager
- Rest API
- GraphQL API
- Content Workflow
- Web Framework (Axum)
- SurrealDB (Surreal DB)
- Email Views (Handlebars)
- Display Form Validation Error
How to do a loop inside the handlebar template
{{#each validation_message as |message|}}
{{ message.mssage }}
How to render a variable in handlebar template
{{ variable_name }}
How to call helper method in handlebar template
{{ helper_method_name "argument" ~}}
How to start a surreal db surreal start --user root --pass root --bind file://test.db
Avored headless CMS enables efficient content management for websites, mobile apps, and various digital platforms. By decoupling the content from the presentation layer, it gives developers the flexibility to build frontends using their preferred technologies. With an avored headless CMS, content is centralized, making it easy to create, manage, and seamlessly deliver it to multiple applications.
Discover more about Headless CMS concepts.
- Comprehensive Asset Management: Organize and manage images, media, files, and other assets with ease.
- User-Friendly Content Management: Simplify page content management for both technical and non-technical users.
- Seamless Content Distribution: Deliver your content anywhere instantly using REST APIs.