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pymops: A multi-agent simulation-based optimization package for power scheduling


Power scheduling is an NP-hard optimization problem with high dimensionality, combinatorial nature, non-convex, non-smooth, and discontinuous properties together with multi-period multiple constraints.

  • Two sequential tasks:
    • Unit Commitment
    • Load Dispatch:
      • Economic Load Dispatch
      • Environmental Load Dispatch

Power Scheduling aims to determine an optimal load dispatch schedule for simultaneously minimizing different conflicting objectives, particularly economic costs and environmental emissions.

pymops is an open-source Python package developed for solving single- to tri-objective optimization in power scheduling problems. The package is built on a novel multi-agent simulation environment, where power-generating units are represented as agents. The agents are heterogeneous, each with multiple conflicting objectives. The scheduling dynamics are simulated using Markov Decision Processes (MDPs), which are used to train a deep reinforcement learning model for solving the optimization problem.

Objective Function

The general multi-objective function is formulated by combining different conflicting objectives via a hybrid approach that uses both weighting hyperparameters and unit-specific cost-to-emission conversion factors:

$$\cal \Phi(C,E)=\sum\limits_{t=1}^{24}\sum\limits_{i=1}^n[\omega_0C_{ti}+\sum\limits_{h=1}^m\omega_h\eta_{ih}E_{ti}^{(h)}]$$

where $\eta_i$ denotes cost-to-emission conversion parameter which is defined as $$\displaystyle \eta_i = exp[\frac{\cal \nabla C^{on}(p_i)/\nabla E^{on}(p_i)}{{max[\cal \nabla C^{on}(p_i)/\nabla E^{on}(p_i);\forall i]-min[\cal \nabla C^{on}(p_i)/\nabla E^{on}(p_i);\forall i]}}];\forall i$$ and $\omega_h, h=0,1,...,m$ represents the weight hyperparameter associated with objective $m$.

Economic Cost Functions:

$$\cal C_{ti}=z_{ti}C^{on}(p_{ti})+z_{ti}(1-z_{t-1,i})C_{ti}^{su}+(1-z_{ti})z_{t-1,i}C_{ti}^{sd};\forall i,t$$ where $$\cal C^c(p_{ti})=a_i^cp_{ti}^2+b^cp_{ti}+c^c+|d^c sin[e^c_i(p_{ti}^{min}+p_{ti})]|;\forall i,t$$

Environmental Emission Functions: $$\cal E_{ti}=z_{ti}E^{on}(p_{ti})+z_{ti}(1-z_{t-1,i})E_{ti}^{su}+(1-z_{ti})z_{t-1,i}E_{ti}^{sd};\forall i,t$$ where $$\cal E^e(p_{ti})=a_i^ep_{ti}^2+b^ep_{ti}+c^e+d^eexp(e^e_ip_{ti});\forall i,t$$

Constraints Specification
Minimum and maximum power capacities: $\cal z_{ti}p_{i}^{min}\le p_{ti}\le z_{ti}p_{i}^{max}$
Maximum ramp-down and ramp-up rates: $\cal z_{ti}p_{t-1,i}-z_{ti}p_{ti}\le p_{i}^{down}$ and $z_{ti}p_{ti}-z_{t-1,i}p_{ti}\le p_{i}^{up}$
Mininmum operating (online/offline) durations: $\cal tt_{ti}^{ON}\ge tt_{i}^{OFF}$ and $tt_{ti}^{OFF}\ge tt_{i}^{OFF}$
Power supply and demand balance: $\cal \sum\limits_{i=1}^nz_{ti}p_{ti}=d_t$
Minimum available reserve: $\cal \sum\limits_{i=1}^nz_{ti}p_{ti}^{max}\ge (1+ r) d_t$

The Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) Framework

The framework MARL manifests the form of state $\cal S$, action $\cal A$, transition (probability) function $\cal P$ and reward $\cal R$.

  • Planning Horizon: The scheduling horizon is an hourly divided day.

    • Timestep/Period: Each hour of a day is considered a timestep.

    • Episode: One cycle of determination of unit commitments and load dispatches for a day.

  • Simulation Enviroment: Custom MARL simulation environment, structurally similar to OpenAI Gym.

    • Mono-objective to tri-objective scheduling problem (cost, CO2 and SO2).

    • Ramp rate constraints and valve point effects are taken into account.

  • Agents: The generating units are represented as multiple agents.

    • The agents are heterogenous (different generating-unit-specific characteristics).
    • Each agent has multiple conflicting objectives.
    • The agents are cooperative type of RL agents:
      • Agents collaborate the satisfy the demand at each period/timestep.

      • Agents also strive to minimize the multi-objective function in the entire planning horizon.

  • State Space: Consists of timestep, minimum and maximum capacities, operating (online/offline) durations, demand to be satisfied.

  • Action Space: The commitment statuses (ON/OFF) of all agents.

  • Transition Function: The probability of making transition from current state to the next state (no specific formula).

    • The decisions of agents violating any constraint is automatically corrected by the environment.

    • The environment makes also adjustments for both excess and shortages of power supplies.

  • Reward function: Agents get a common reward which is the inverse of the average of the normalized value of all objectives.

The MOPS dynamics can be simulated as a 4-tuple $\cal (S,A,P,R)$ MDP:

  • The MDPs are input for the deep RL model.

  • The deep RL model predicts decision (action) of agents.

  • The predicted agents' action is input for the transition function in the environment


The simulation environment can be installed using pip :

    pip install pymops

Or it can be cloned from GitHub repo and installed.

    git clone
    cd pymops
    pip install .

Import package

    import pymops
    from pymops.environ import SimEnv

Create simulation environment

    env = SimEnv(
                supply_df = default_supply_df, # Units' profile dataframe
                demand_df = default_demand_df, # Demands profile
                SR = 0.0, # proportion of spinning reserve => [0, 1]
                RR = "Yes", # Ramp rate => "yes" or (default "no" (=None)) 
                VPE = None, # Valve point effects => "yes" or (default "no" (=None))
                n_objs = None, # Objectives => "tri" for 3 or (default "bi" (=None) for bi-objective)
                w = None, # Weight => [0, 1] for bi-objective, a list [0.2,0.3,0.5] for tri-objective
                duplicates = None # Num of duplicates: duplicate units and adjust demands proportionally

Reset environment

    initial_flat_state, initial_dict_state = env.reset()

Get current state

    flat_state, dict_state = env.get_current_state()

Execute decision (action) of agents

    action_vec = np.array([1,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0])
    flat_next_state, reward, done, next_state_dict, dispatch_info = env.step(action_vec)

Develop and training (own customized) model

Import packages

    from pymops.define_dqn import DQNet
    from pymops.madqn import DQNAgents
    from pymops.replaymemory import ReplayMemory
    from pymops.schedules import get_schedules

Define model

      model_0 = DQNet(env, 64)

Create instance

      RL_agents = DQNAgents(
                              environ = env, 
                              model = model_0, 
                              epsilon_max = 1.0,
                              epsilon_min = 0.1,
                              epsilon_decay = 0.99,
                              lr = 0.001

Replay memory

      memory = ReplayMemory(environ = env, buffer_size = 64)

Train model

      training_results_df = RL_agents.train(memory = memory, batch_size = 64, num_episodes = 500)

Get schedule solutions

      cost, emis, CO2, SO2, schedules_df = get_schedules(environ = env, trained_agents = RL_agents)

Contact Information

Any questions, issues, suggestions, or collaboration opportunities can be reached at: ;


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