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Global network with development, production and on-prem networks using Transit Gateway


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This project is being archived as of Jan 2024. The application has been tested using CDK 2.122.0 and NodeJS 18.

Transit Gateway Inter-Region Peering using CDK

Table of Contents


We will build a global network with development, production and on-prem networks in us-east-1 and eu-west-1. The infrastructure will be built using a combination of CDK, AWS CLI and AWS Console.

Below routes are allowed by this architecture

Source Destination
DevelopmentUS DevelopmentEU
ProductionUS ProductionEU
DevelopmentUS CorpUS
ProductionUS CorpUS
DevelopmentEU CorpEU
ProductionEU CorpEU

Note: For the on-prem simulation, we will leverage the aws-samples

What are we building?


What are the pre-requisites?

  • Install the following
    brew install jq
    npm i -g -f aws-cdk@2.122.0
  • You have configured AWS CLI using aws configure
  • The role being used from CLI has the permissions required for resources being created by CDK
  • The CDK params are stored here. Update them if needed.
  • Let's build the code
    npm install
    npm run build
    npm run test

How can I deploy the stack?

We build the below resources -

  • On-prem CIDR for the site-to-site VPN setup
  • EIP for the site-to-site VPN
  • Transit Gateway
  • Customer gateway
  • Site-to-site VPN
  • Development VPC
  • Production VPC
  • Development VPC routing
  • Production VPC routing
  • EC2 instance in Development and Production subnets
  • VPC endpoints to access EC2 via SSM
  • TransitGateway routing tables
  • TransitGateway attachment
  • TransitGateway association and propagation
  • Global network for visualize the traffic using route analyzer

The script will build the stack in us-east-1 and eu-west-1. If you need to use different regions, please update the

Note: The transit gateway peering and acceptance is handled in the shell script


How can I setup a site-to-site VPN?

  • Follow the steps provided here -
  • The previous stack has set up the below resources
    • Transit Gateway
    • Customer Gateway
    • Site-to-Site VPN
    • EIP
  • Below commands will return the EIP allocationID and Transit Gateway ID
  • This demo was tested with Pre-Shared Key-Based Authentication
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1
aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name TransitGatewayPeeringDemo --query 'Stacks[*].Outputs[?ExportName==`eipAllocationId`].OutputValue' --output text
aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name TransitGatewayPeeringDemo --query 'Stacks[*].Outputs[?ExportName==`TransitGatewayId`].OutputValue' --output text

export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=eu-west-1
aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name TransitGatewayPeeringDemo --query 'Stacks[*].Outputs[?ExportName==`eipAllocationId`].OutputValue' --output text
aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name TransitGatewayPeeringDemo --query 'Stacks[*].Outputs[?ExportName==`TransitGatewayId`].OutputValue' --output text

Note: You can verify the traffic flow using the Route Analyzer from Global Network


Let's cleanup



See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.