书名 | 开始日期 | 最后读日期 | 目前进度 (已读页数/总页数) | 笔记(Github链接) |
C++ Primer (5th Edition) | 2021/01/03 | 2021/03/29 (Completed ch6) | 29% (255/864) | https://github.com/awsk1994/cpp_Primer_notes |
Kafka权威指南 | 2021/03/16 | 2021/04/01 (Almost completed ch04) | 36% (85/236) | https://github.com/awsk1994/Kafka_The_Definitive_Guide_Notes |
高情商聊天术 | 2021/04/01 | 2021/04/04 (completed ch01) | 35% (72/206) | https://github.com/awsk1994/TalkingWithEmotionalIntelligence_Notes |
《鸟哥的Linux私房菜-基础篇》第三版 | 2021/04/06 | 0% | https://github.com/awsk1994/NiaoGe_Linux_Notes | |
Pro Git | 2021/04/05 | 2021/04/08 (Completed ch02; skipped several parts in the middle though) | 21% 109/518 (Skipped many parts though.. need to go back and learn) | https://github.com/awsk1994/Pro_Git_notes |
Design Pattern | 2021/04/09 | 2021/04/11 | 22% (5/22 Design Patterns) | https://github.com/awsk1994/Design_Pattern_Notes |
深入REACT技术栈 陈屹著 | 2021/04/13 | 2021/04/16 | ~10% 34/366 | https://github.com/awsk1994/Deep_Dive_React_Stack_Notes |
Hadoop权威指南 大数据的存储与分析 | 2021/04/17 | 2021/05/05 | ~9.5% 64/658 | https://github.com/awsk1994/Hadoop_The_Definitive_Guide_Notes |
-《JavaScript高级程序设计(第3版)》中文 高清
Based on 读书记录.docx (Generated table md with https://www.tablesgenerator.com/markdown_tables)