RCON utility for Miscreated
Download the latest version here
Default installation directory
Operating System | Default Install Directory |
Windows | Users/username/ApplicationData/Local/Programs/MisRCON |
Linux | /usr/local/bin/MisRCON |
- Note: You must add in your own secrets.js file with a steam API key in app/secrets.js
export const apiKey = 'APIKEY';
export const chatLogPath = 'C:\\Downloads\\chatlog_2016-12-13.txt';
export const damageLogPath = 'C:\\Downloads\\damagelog_2016-11-25.txt';
- Note: requires a node version >= 6 and an npm version >= 3.
- If you have installation or compilation issues with this project, please see our debugging guide
First, clone the repo via git:
git clone https://github.com/csprance/MisRCON
And then install dependencies. ProTip: Install with yarn for faster and safer installation
$ cd MisRCON && npm install
To start development run the command
$ npm run dev
apm install editorconfig es6-javascript autocomplete-flow javascript-snippets linter linter-eslint language-babel
- https://github.com/sindresorhus/editorconfig-sublime#readme
- https://github.com/SublimeLinter/SublimeLinter3
- https://github.com/roadhump/SublimeLinter-eslint
- https://github.com/babel/babel-sublime
- Editorconfig
- ESLint
- Babel Syntax Plugin
- OS X: Cmd Alt I or F12
- Linux: Ctrl Shift I or F12
- Windows: Ctrl Shift I or F12
See electron-debug for more information.
This boilerplate is included following DevTools extensions:
- Devtron - Install via electron-debug.
- React Developer Tools - Install via electron-devtools-installer.
- Redux DevTools - Install via electron-devtools-installer.
You can find the tabs on Chrome DevTools.
If you want to update extensions version, please set UPGRADE_EXTENSIONS
env, just run:
$ UPGRADE_EXTENSIONS=1 npm run dev
# For Windows
$ set UPGRADE_EXTENSIONS=1 && npm run dev
This boilerplate out of the box is configured to use css-modules.
All .css
file extensions will use css-modules unless it has .global.css
If you need global styles, stylesheets with .global.css
will not go through the
css-modules loader. e.g. app.global.css
If you want to import global css libraries (like bootstrap
), you can just write the following code in .global.css
@import "~bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css";
To package apps for the local platform:
$ npm run package
To package apps for all platforms:
First, refer to Multi Platform Build for dependencies.
$ npm run package-all
To package apps with options:
$ npm run package -- --[option]
To run the application without packaging run
$ npm run build
$ npm start
To run End-to-End Test
$ npm run build
$ npm run test-e2e
See electron-builder CLI Usage
This boilerplate uses a two package.json structure.
- If the module is native to a platform or otherwise should be included with the published package (i.e. bcrypt, openbci), it should be listed under
. - If a module is
ed by another module, include it independencies
. See this ESLint rule. - Otherwise, modules used for building, testing and debugging should be included in
This application is forked from the electron-react-boilerplate