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A pubsub backend daemon that exposes topics over websockets. Client included.


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This is a simple libp2p pubsub daemon. It is written because pubsub is being removed from kubo.

You can subscribe to a libp2p pubsub topic, eg. MYTOPIC, by connecting to http://localhost:5002/api/v0/topics/MYTOPIC where you will receive a websocket that reads and writes to this libp2p pubsub topic.

Easy peasy. Lemon squeezy.

If you run a server on most any computer it will connect to peers with the same rendezvous string: /ma/0.0.1 by default.


Docker: make all && docker-compose up Development: make serve Install: make install # Installs to /usr/local/go-pubsub-daemon by default.


A simple RESTful API at localhost:5002/api/v0. The following endpoints exists.

  • GET /topics - List topics
  • GET /topics/topicName - Establishes a websocket that subscribes to the topic
  • GET /topics/topicName/peers - List peers for the topics. NB! Local peers does not show up.


The daemon starts a libp2p node and connects via rendezvous discovery. It listen on all interfaces on a random tcp port.

For options run ./go-pubsub-daemon -help. Please note that the default reported reflects your current environment settings.

To build the binary, simply run make build


Some configuration can be edited in .env. make picks up on changes here.

There is not much in way of configuration. You can set the listen address and port for the web sockets. The default is to listen on port

The evaluation order for settings is:

  • defaults
  • environment variables
  • command line parameters

Environment variables

NB! If these variables are set in your environment they will be defaults for the application. The defaults are set in .env and are as follows.

GO_PUBSUB_DAEMON_PORT="5002" # The port the daemon is listens on
GO_PUBSUB_DAEMON_ADDR="" # The interface the daemon binds to
GO_PUBSUB_DAEMON_LOG_LEVEL="info" # Log level for the libp2p part of the daemon # The name of the docker image to be used or built

GO=go # The name of go binary to use
BUILD_IMAGE=golang:alpine # Image to used for building the daemon in docker.


Inside the docker container the service listens on This is hardcoded in the Dockerfile.

The GO_PUBSUB_DAEMON_ADDR variable is used by docker-compose for binding to a port on the host system.

To start the service in docker simply run: docker-compose up.

If you want to create your own version or changes, edit .env and run:

make image
docker-compose up -d

This a helper script, to set required limits in sysctl. You probably wanna do this somewhere else. Use if if you receive fatal resource errors from the daemon.


You can connect and chat with the client. But this is not intended to be used by hoomans as a chat tool. The client is just a debug/inspection tool.

For options please type ./client/client -help

2023-07-16: bahner