A Python implementation of the SimString, a simple and efficient algorithm for approximate string matching.
Docs are here
With this library, you can extract strings/texts which has certain similarity from large amount of strings/texts. It will help you when you develop applications related to language processing.
This library supports variety of similarity functions such as Cossine similarity, Jaccard similarity, and supports Word N-gram and Character N-gram as features. You can also implement your own feature extractor easily.
SimString has the following features:
- Fast algorithm for approximate string retrieval.
- 100% exact retrieval. Although some algorithms allow misses (false positives) for faster query response, SimString is guaranteed to achieve 100% correct retrieval with fast query response.
- Unicode support.
- Extensibility. You can implement your own feature extractor easily.
- no japanese support Please see this paper for more details.
pip install simstring-fast
from simstring.feature_extractor.character_ngram import CharacterNgramFeatureExtractor
from simstring.measure.cosine import CosineMeasure
from simstring.database.dict import DictDatabase
from simstring.searcher import Searcher
db = DictDatabase(CharacterNgramFeatureExtractor(2))
searcher = Searcher(db, CosineMeasure())
results = searcher.search('foo', 0.8)
# => ['foo', 'fooo']
If you want to use other feature, measure, and database, simply replace these classes. You can replace these classes easily by your own classes if you want.
from simstring.feature_extractor.word_ngram import WordNgramFeatureExtractor
from simstring.measure.jaccard import JaccardMeasure
from simstring.database.dict import DictDatabase
from simstring.searcher import Searcher
db = DictDatabase(WordNgramFeatureExtractor(2))
db.add('You are so cool.')
searcher = Searcher(db, JaccardMeasure())
results = searcher.search('You are cool.', 0.8)
- Cosine
- Dice
- Jaccard
- Overlap
- Left Overlap
- dictionary
- diskcache (sqlite)
- redis (in development #37)