- Tech: Nextjs 13, Next Auth 4
- UI: Tailwind, chart.js, react-chartjs
- DB: MongoDB, Mongoose
- Payment: PayPal, Stripe
- Content Hosting: cloudinary
- Deploy: Github, Vercel, MongoDB Atlas
- Youtube Video : https://youtu.be/_IBlyR5mRzA
- Demo Website : https://next-tailwind-amazona.vercel.app
- Source Code : https://github.com/basir/next-tailwind-amazona
- Full Course: basir.thinkific.com
- NextJS basics like setting up project, navigating between pages and data fetching
- NextJS advanced topics like dynamic routing, image optimization, SSG and SSR
- Tailwind CSS framework to build responsive website using custom theme, animation and carousel
- ReactJS including decomposing components, context API and hooks
- Next Auth package to authenticate customers and admin users
- MongoDB and Mongoose to save and retrieve data like products, orders and users
- PayPal developer api to make online payment
- Deploy web applications on servers like Vercel and Netlify
Get this course by 90% discount on Thinkific: https://basir.thinkific.com/courses/build-ecommerce-website-like-amazon-by-next-js?coupon=SAVE90
Clone repo
$ git clone git@github.com:basir/next-tailwind-amazona.git $ cd next-tailwind-amazona
Create .env File
- duplicate .env.example and rename it to .env
Setup MongoDB
- Local MongoDB
- Install it from here
- In .env file update MONGODB_URI=mongodb://localhost/amazona
- OR Atlas Cloud MongoDB
- Create database at https://cloud.mongodb.com
- In .env file update MONGODB_URI=mongodb+srv://your-db-connection
Install and Run
npm install npm run dev
Seed Data
- Run this on browser: http://localhost:5000/api/seed
- It returns admin email and password and 6 sample products
Admin Login
- Run http://localhost:3000/login
- Enter admin email and password and click Login
- Introduction
- Install Tools
- Create Next App
- Publish to Github
- Create Website Layout
- create layout component
- add header
- add main section
- add footer
- add tailwind classes
- List Products
- add data.js
- add images
- render products
- Create Product Details
- create product page
- create 3 columns
- show image in first column
- show product info in second column
- show add to cart action on third column
- add styles
- Handle Add To Cart
- define react context
- define cart items state
- create addd to cart action
- add reducer
- create store provider
- handle add to cart button
- Create Cart Page
- create cart.js
- use context to get cart items
- list items
- redirect to cart screen after add to cart
- Update Quantity In The Cart
- add select box for quantity
- handle select box change
- Save Cart Items
- install js-cookie package
- save and retreive cart items in cookies
- Create Login Form
- install react hook form
- create input boxes
- add login button
- Connect To MongoDB
- install mongoose
- install mongodb or use mongodb atlas
- save connection url in .env file
- create db utils file
- create sample users
- Create Login API
- install next-auth
- create nextauth.js
- implement signin
- use signin in login form
- Add User Menu
- check user authentication
- install headlessui
- show user menu
- Create Shipping Screen
- display address fields
- save address in context
- Create Payment Method Screen
- dispaly payment methods
- save payment method in context
- Seed sample products
- create product model in mongoose
- insert sample products to mongodb
- Load Products MongoDB
- load products in home page from mongodb
- load products in product page from mongodb
- use product api to check count in stock in add to cart
- Create Place Order Screen
- display shipping address
- display payment method
- display order items
- implment create order
- Create Order Screen
- implement backend api for order details
- load order data from backend
- display order details
- Create Register Screen
- add signup api
- create register page
- call api on form submit
- Pay Order By PayPal
- add paypal button
- handle payment
- create backend api
- update order state
- Create Order History Screen
- create my order api
- create order history component
- fetch orders and display them
- Publish On Vercel
- create vercel account
- connect to github
- set next auth and mongodb db in env vars
- push code to github
- Update User Profile
- create profile screen
- show user info
- handle update user info
- Create Admin Dashboard
- Create Admin Menu
- create dashboard screen
- Implement admin summary api
- List Orders For Admin
- create orders page
- create orders api
- use api in page
- Deliver Order For Admin
- create deliver api
- add deliver button
- implement click handler
- List Products For Admin
- create products page
- create products api
- use api in page
- Create Product Edit Page
- create edit page
- create api for product
- show product data in form
- Upload Product Image
- create cloudinary account
- get cloudinary keys
- create upload api
- upload files in edit page
- Create And Delete Products
- add create product button
- build new product api
- add handler for delete
- implement delete api
- List Users For Admin
- create users page
- create users api
- use api in page
- Add Carousel
- create featured products
- feed carousel data
- show popular products
- Create Search Page
- create filters
- list products
- show filters