This application is just a personal exercise to get familiar with ember.js and it's based on the Ember Application Structure guide on the ember.js site.
The application shows a table of Post objects which you can edit and show. It's also possible to create new Post objects. Every Post contain 0 or more Comments and Backtracks which are visible on the show page to play with ember's nested routes.
The application uses a Rails 3.2.x back-end and contains a generator to get you up and running.
I'm using Ember Data to retrieve data from the server.
- Clone this repo
git clone very_simple_crud
2. Navigate to the application directory
cd very_simple_crud
3. Install the gems
bundle install
4. Create the (SQLite) database
rake db:create
5. Run the migrations
rake db:migrate
6. Populate the database
rake db:seed
7. Start the server
rails s
8. Open a browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000
Although the application uses the ember-rails gem, it only uses it for pre-compiling the handlebars templates. The required JS files for ember and ember data are built manually and located in vendor/assets/javascript. Application logic is located in app/assets/javascripts (this is the suggested location according to Rails' assets pipeline).
- ember.js router and some nested routes
- transaction usage (commit and rollback)
- Tests (it's only a prototype :))
- Client side validation
- Flash notification
- ...