Asks the user a series of multiple choice questions by topic area, and keeps track of progress.
This is a Python script with a console GUI (using npyscreen).
Quizzes are stored in JSON format.
I used this program extensively for my Security+ certification exam in 2020.
- Click on the Open with GitHub Codespaces badge above to launch the project in a browser or on your desktop inside Visual Studio Code.
- Install Python 3.8.1 or higher
- Install Poetry
- At a command prompt in the project directory, type
poetry install
to set up dependencies
- In the terminal window, type
poetry run python
- Cursor up/down to highlight a choice, and SPACE or ENTER to select it.
- TAB to the Confirm button, and then SPACE or ENTER to confirm the selection.
- Continue through all the questions and receive a final score, or hit ESC to quit early and receive a score up that point.