I scripted a python script, with the help of this you can findout Statistics of any youtube video.
Go to video and copy the link of video.
Pick the text which is after the "v=" in link.
Eg: Video Link:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPf0YbXqDm0
Then Video Id would be: OPf0YbXqDm0
- It can do a lot of cool things with the help of Video ID, some of them being:
- Can findout any videos likes, comments, views.
- Use this to run Analytics for YouTube.
To run this program you will require a API key. Register your API key by clicking the following link
- First clone the repo
- Make a new python environment If you are using anaconda just type conda create -n jarvis python==3.8.5 in anaconda prompt
- Activate the environment
- Navigate to the directory of your project
- Install all the requirements by just hitting pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run the program by python main.py
- Enjoy !!!!
This project is licensed under MIT License 2022 vikas bhadu
- GUI can be made it more nicer to look at and functional
- More functionalities can be added