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This is an extended guide on how-to setup the Game-HAT from waveshare, including additional goodies.

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Waveshare Game-HAT guide

This guide provides step-by-step instructions on setting up the Game-HAT from Waveshare.

Its basically a setup-guide for the installation of a headless RetroPie-build but also contains additional instructions / settings / recommondations to greatly enhance the handheld-aspect of the system.


This steps are necessary to get the rpi up and running properly.

  • Assemble WaveShares Game-HAT
  • Download the latest RetroPie image to your computer
  • Flash the image to the sdcard via etcher / dd / win32diskimager
    • (Optional) Create a ssh file on sdcard/boot to enable the secure shell server
    • (Optional) Create a wpa_supplicant.conf within the same directory to enable headless wifi
  • Insert the sdcard into the raspberry pi and power it on

Example for wpa_supplicant.conf

This is an example configuration for the wpa_supplicant application - change it to your needs.

ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev

    ssid="set ssid here"
    psk="set pre-shared key here"


These steps are required to get the Game-HAT hardware working properly.

Connect to the raspberry-pi

ssh pi@<ip-adress> (the default RetroPie-password is "raspberry")

Download the drivers from


Extract the driver archive

tar -xvzf Game-HAT-180720.tar.gz

Change the current directory to the extracted archive

cd Game_HAT

Execute the installation-script of the driver

sudo ./Game-HAT

... and thats it - now you've got a properly working game-hat handheld. If you're interested in further steps in order to optimize some aspects of the device, follow this guide until the end.


These steps enhance the overall experience of the system. The previous steps are targeted towards increased usability, boot- update- and compile-times, etc:

Change the default password


Expand the filesystem

Launch raspi-config select advanced options and expand filesystem

Update, upgrade and reboot the system (this will take a while)

sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo reboot

mount usb-drive

Open fstab file using sudo nano /etc/fstab - append the following line: /dev/sda1 /media/usb1 auto defaults 0 0

Log in to emulationstation on boot

In retropie setup script > Configuration / tools > autostart > Start EmulationStation at Boot

Install famicon-mini-theme

In retropie setup script > Configuration / tools > esthemes > Install ruckage/famicom-mini

Install xfce desktop-environment

sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends xserver-xorg sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends xinit sudo apt-get install xfce4 xfce4-terminal

FAQ: Where are emulationstation-themes stored?

The themes are stored in: /etc/emulationstation/themes/


Analyze bootup performance

systemd-analyze blame

Disable bluetooth

  • sudo nano /boot/config.txt
  • add "dtoverlay=pi3-disable-bt" to the bottom of the file
  • add "dtoverlay=disable-bt" for newer versions
  • save and close your editor of choice

Disable bluetooth services

  • sudo systemctl disable hciuart.service
  • sudo systemctl disable bluealsa.service
  • sudo systemctl disable bluetooth.service

Disable samba / netbios daemon

  • sudo systemctl stop smbd
  • sudo systemctl disable smbd
  • sudo systemctl stop nmbd
  • sudo systemctl disable nmbd

Additional information / resources


This is an extended guide on how-to setup the Game-HAT from waveshare, including additional goodies.






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