Releases: bertvandepoel/tabby
Small fixes:
- Better error message when not supplying a comment on an activity debt line
- Add more IDE files and folders to gitignore (development improvement)
- Fix edge case where, on specific server configurations, the session starting after output is already sent to the buffer causes errors
Recurring expenses
Account email address aliases
Currency symbols are now configurable
Broader favicon support
Some small quality of life fixes:
- consistent use of "my"
- display account email address on My profile
Fix problems with amount larger than or equal to 1000 euro not being displayed properly
Improve new activity email notifications
Add merge functionality to merge mutual debt (when both the logged in user and another user have debt with each other)
Small fix: improve sorting when debt and credit are on the same data
Introduces a procedure for installation and upgrades (includes changes to the database structure, configuration file and .htaccess).
Support for PostgreSQL (includes changes to the database structure).
Support for webcron.
Some small quality of life fixes:
- Sort by the most recent transaction when debt is identical
- Better introduction text on landing page
- Clear up text describing the licenses of Bootstrap and Font Awesome
- Improve URL handling by merging reminderurl and base_url configuration
- Favicon ico file fallback
- More semantic link for home icon
Some small quality of life fixes:
- When logged in, redirect any token link to "My debt"
- Add a "Today" button to enter the current date in forms
- Fix sorting issue in detailed overview of a user
- Mention total debt in new activity emails, not just the newly added debt
- Favicons
- Hide unnecessary layout elements on the chrome/chromium date picker
Very first version of Tabby.
Includes all core features of Tabby as well as the striking and user-friendly interface.