Releases: bihor/fp_newsletter
Releases · bihor/fp_newsletter
Beta release for TYPO3 13
Preparations for TYPO3 13
SwitchableControllerActionsPluginUpdater (update script for TYPO3 12) removed. Use older versions if you still need it.
FlexformPluginUpdater (update script for FlexForms) removed. Use older versions if you still need it.
deleteMode 4: Hidden-Flag added
v7.0.5 Version 7.0.5
Unnecessary sql-fields removed
Bugfix: backend preview.
Bugfix: Plugin-Updater.
Bugfix: Plugin-Updater.
v7.0.3 Version 7.0.3
Bugfix: search in all folders now for mail-unsubscription and edit too
Refactoring with the rector tool
- Adding of the language code to f:translate in the email-templates.
- TypoScript-files have now the ending .typoscript.
- setting dontAppendL is now deprecated.
Small bugfixes
v6.4.3 Version 6.4.3: symfony 7 bugfix
Additional fields in tt_address
- Additional fields can now be copied from the log-entry to the tt_address-table. Setting additionalTtAddressFields added.
Bugfix: reCAPTCHA fixed.
v6.3.2 Version 6.3.2: Bugfix