Mini project which focus for development application cafe shop, which is the application is used for customer can table reservation and order menus in the cafe shop. Another feature on application is can manage menus, customer and can see transactions which is running.
clone project
git clone
running app
make run
- Test Coverage
go test -v ./... -coverprofile profile.out
go tool cover -func profile.out // per function
go tool cover -html profile.out // view html
| \---migration
| +---controller
| +---domain
| +---mocks
| +---repository
| | +---minio
| | +---postgres
| | \---redis
| +---usecase
| \---validation
| \---authorization
| +---dotenv
| +---minio
| +---postgres
| \---redis
| +---controller
| +---domain
| +---mocks
| +---repository
| \---usecase
- Golang
- Fiber
- Postgres
- Gorm
- JWT Auth
- Testify