Welcome to our open source collection of Provider Maps for the BitScoop Platform.
The BitScoop Platform makes APIs & microservices simple to integrate and easy to maintain. Our set of tools helps developers deal with data provider intricacies, inconsistencies, and annoyances that pervade app development. Using BitScoop you can more easily connect and interact with the data providers important to your work and projects.
Learn more with this demo:
Provider Maps are the JSON configuration objects that you create to describe the interactions with data providers. They can include various sub-sections such as a description of the authentication scheme the data provider uses and endpoints from which you can obtain data.
Many data providers require permission from your end users to read their data. This process is generally handled by a workflow such as OAuth or OpenID and can be handled by the BitScoop Platform with some configuration on the Provider Map. You'll need to instantiate Connections to the data provider behind your Provider Map as a place to store authentication and characterizing information about an end user who has giving you permission to read their data. In most cases you'll have one Connection per end user and BitScoop will automatically store the relevant information used to identify this user in the data provider's system.
Any Provider map can be copied out of this repository and used to create a new Provider Map in the BitScoop Platform, either by using the Developer Portal or by submitting it directly to the BitScoop API.
Easly add a community API Map using the "Add to BitScoop" Button. This button allows anyone to connect to any API in just one click.
This button makes it quick and easy to add API connections to your workspace using pre made provider maps.
You may also easily create a "Add to BitScoop" Button for any provider map.
Simply embed the code below into any site and replace "URL_TO_JSON_FILE" with the url of your provider map json. We recommend using GitHub to store and serve provider maps.
<a href="https://bitscoop.com/maps/create?source=URL_TO_JSON_FILE">
<img src="https://d233zlhvpze22y.cloudfront.net/github/AddBitScoopXSmall.png" style="max-width:100%;">
curl --request POST \
--url https://api.bitscoop.com/providers/ \
--header 'authorization: Bearer {{insert_bitscoop_api_key}}' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '{\n
"version": "1.0",\n
"name": "Sample JSON Placeholder API",\n
"url": "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com",\n
"headers": {\n
"X-Global": "Header Global"\n
"parameters": {\n
"globalParam": "foo"\n
"endpoints": {\n
"users": {\n
"route": "/users",\n
"single": {\n
"route": "/users/{{ identifier }}"\n
"model": {\n
"key": "id",\n
"fields": {\n
"id": "integer",\n
"name": "string",\n
"username": "string",\n
"email": "email"\n
}, \n
"headers": {\n
"X-Endpoint": "Header Endpoint"\n
"parameters": {\n
"endpointParam": "foo"\n
Learn more at:
Optionally, you can create connections to APIs with multi legged authorization.
curl --request POST \
--header "authorization: Bearer {{insert_bitscoop_api_key}}" \
--url "https://api.bitscoop.com/providers/{{insert_bitscoop_api_key}}/connections"
Please see our Contributing Document
If you have any issues using BitScoop Platform, please use our Support page.
Please note that theses are not guaranteed to be correct. If you find any issues with a, feel free to make corrections in the map(s) you create from that, email BitScoop about the problem you are encountering, or create a ticket on our GitHub repository.
To document issues with the open Source Provider Maps:
- You need a GitHub account
- Submit an issue ticket
for your issue if there is no one yet.
- Describe the issue and include steps to reproduce if it's a bug.
- Make sure to mention the earliest version that you know is affected.
- If you are able and want to fix this, fork the repository on GitHub.