This project is based on PlatformIO and a chinese cheap ESP32-CAM to get a video and photos sender on this device.
In the last 0.1 revision this project was supporting networking and Telegram bots. Now it supports a dashboard and remote server connections.
- Wifi AP with web configurator like all IoT
- Web servo motion ( dashboard with servo driver )
- Sleeping mode to improve battery life
- LED status (sleeping, working...)
- User privilege control (no intrussions will request the control of the hardware)
- Motion and focus detected target following
- Hardware trigger (motion, light, water, distance...)
- Battery monitor
- REST API & native mobile apps
You're free to change and print the 3D model following the next link:
There is an assembled piece with target ESP32-CAM. You can print and fork it.
Use the web panel (dashboard) from your browser to configure dashboard. Default credentials are "admin" / "12345678"
Some parts are licenced under GNU GPLv3 (also avi video encoder), and other parts has been adapted by @bitstuffing to the community under CC 4.0. You must reference the authors before use it and don't use in a business environment without explicit permision of the author.
This project has been adapted to PlatformIO and developed by @bitstuffing, but all works have started from some repositories (to be mentioned):