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Code for detecting dendritic spines in three dimensions, retraining and evaluating models.

Structure of this guide:

  1. Installation
  2. Folder structure
  3. Prediction on 2D-images
  4. Prediction and tracking on 3D-images
  5. Evaluate model on 3D-images
  6. Re-Training with new dataset
  7. FaQ


Python 3.8 is recommended. Using a CUDA enabled GPU is recommended to get fast prediction times and converge fast during training. However all the code works with only CPU as well you just need to choose the cpu versions for the installation and add --device cpu on all python commands described in the sections below. Some packages are listed in the requirements.txt file. To install all necessary packages correctly using pip, simply run


in Linux bash or


in Windows command line. Note that this may take a few minutes, especially collecting, compiling and installing mmcv-full may take more than ten minutes, so please be patient.

The current best models mentioned in this paper as well as training and evaluation images and labels are not saved in GitHub directly, but are available for download. All the data can automatically be downloaded and extracted into the correct folders using the Linux shell script


or alternatively using the python script on any operating system

python src/spine_detection/utils/

If you like to have more control over the data, you can download

  • the images and labels here
  • the Cascade RCNN model here
  • and the Faster RCNN model here.

Generally all python commands described in the sections below have the optional parameter --device which determines the device on which the prediction, training or model evaluation happens (cpu or cuda:<gpu-id>) and the optional parameter --log_level which determines the log level of the output (debug, info, warning or error).

By default --device cuda:0 and --log_level info are used.

Folder structure

This github repository provides all necessary files to predict and track dendritic spines as described in this paper. Retraining on another dataset is possible as well. The mainly relevant files of this repository are structured as follows:

|-- src/spine_detection
|   |-- utils
|   |   `--
|   |-- configs
|   |--
|   |--
|   |--
|   |--
|-- data
|   |-- default_annotations
|   `-- raw
|-- references/mmdetection
|   |-- checkpoints
|   `-- configs
|-- output
|   |-- prediction
|   |   |-- custom_model
|   |   |   |-- csvs_mmdet
|   |   |   `-- images_mmdet
|   |   `-- default_model
|   |       |-- csvs_mmdet
|   |       `-- images_mmdet
|   `-- tracking
|       |-- custom_model
|       |   |-- exp1
|       |   |   `-- data_tracking.csv
|       |   |-- exp2
|       |   |   `-- data_tracking.csv
|       `-- default_model
|           `-- data_tracking.csv
|-- tutorial_exps
|   |-- custom_model
|   |   |-- exp1
|   |   |-- ...
|   |   `-- expk
|   |       |-- epoch_1.pth
|   |       |-- ...
|   |       |-- epoch_n.pth
|   |       |-- latest.pth
|   |       `-- log.json
|   |-- ...
|   `-- Cascade_RCNN_model
|       |-- lr_0.001_warmup_None_momentum_0.6_L2_3e-06_run_1
|       |-- ...
|       `-- lr_0.001_warmup_None_momentum_0.6_L2_3e-06_run_4
|           `-- epoch_10.pth
|-- requirements.txt

Prediction/Inference on 2D

If you want to simply detect spines on images using our model and you have already downloaded our custom model (see section Installation), you just need to use the following command in your command line:

python src/spine_detection/ \
    --input "data/raw/person1/SR052N1D1day1*.png" \
    --model Cascade_RCNN_model \
    --model_type Cascade-RCNN \
    --param_config lr_0.001_warmup_None_momentum_0.6_L2_3e-06_run_1 \
    --model_epoch epoch_10 \

You should replace the input flag with the path to the files you want to do detect spines on. Your path needs to be either a file or a path to multiple files using wildcards *.

The model that will be used for prediction must be found at the path tutorial_exps/<model>/<param_config>/<model_epoch> inside this model repository. After following the Installation instructions, there should already be models available under the two folders Cascade_RCNN_model and Faster_RCNN_data_augmentation inside the tutorial_exps folder.

The config that is used for loading the model can be found in the configs/model_config_paths.yaml file under model_paths.<model_type>.base_config. This needs to be adjusted accordingly if you use different configs than provided in the mentioned config file.

Note: Be careful with the --model and --model_type flag. For using the default Faster RCNN model, you need to set --model Faster_RCNN_data_augmentation but --model_type Faster-RCNN according to the config file configs/model_configs_paths.yaml.

Activating the flag save_images makes sure that not only the csv output but also the images are saved.

The output can then be found by default under output/prediction/<model>/<param_config>/ with two folders csvs_mmdet and images_mmdet. However, you can also define your own output path using the --output flag.

If you want to change the confidence threshold, adjust the flag --delta (default is 0.5).

For more information about all available flags, add -h or --help to the command above.

Tracking/Prediction on 3D

If you are not only interested in detecting spines on single 2D images but in a 3D stack consisting of multiple images, you can use the tracking command as follows:

python src/spine_detection/ \
    --input "data/raw/person1/SR052N1D1day1*.png"\
    --model Cascade_RCNN_model \
    --model_type Cascade-RCNN \
    --param_config lr_0.001_warmup_None_momentum_0.6_L2_3e-06_run_1 \
    --model_epoch latest \

The basic parameters are the same as with the script. However, you have more options to customize the tracker, e.g. which metric should be used for box overlap between different images.

Similarly, the output can be found by default under output/tracking/<model>/<param_config>/ with a folder images and a file data_tracking_<model-type>_aug_<use_aug>_<model_epoch>_theta_<theta>_delta_<delta>_<input_mode>.csv. All these parameters can be explored by looking into the code or by running the tracking file with the -h or --help flag.

Evaluate tracking

After having tracked the dendritic spines over 3D stacks, you can evaluate the models performance when the groundtruth is also available for the analyzed data as follows:

python src/spine_detection/ \
    --model Cascade_RCNN_model \
    --param_config lr_0.001_warmup_None_momentum_0.6_L2_3e-06_run_1 \
    --tracking data_tracking_default_aug_False_epoch_1_theta_0.5_delta_0.5_Test.csv \
    --gt_file output/tracking/GT/data_tracking_max_wo_offset.csv

For the tracking flag you should choose the name of the data_tracking_<custom-name>.csv file generated in the above section about tracking. The gt_file argument should correspond to a csv file consisting of tracked labeled data. Unfortunately, simply creating such a file of tracked labeled data is not yet available.


For every kind of training you need to prepare your data correctly. Your data should be in the same format as the data you could download from us, especially the labels and the folder structure. If you want to create and use your own dataset, save the train, val and test labels somewhere inside the data folder together with your images. It is not important if these are in the same folder as the labels but the path in the labels should be correct and start with data/.

After having downloaded our custom models you can continue training them with your own data with the following command:

python src/spine_detection/ \
    --model Cascade_RCNN_model \
    --model_type Cascade-RCNN \
    --checkpoint lr_0.001_warmup_None_momentum_0.6_L2_3e-06_run_1/epoch_10.pth \

In that case the script is searching for a model file (.pth) inside tutorial_exps/<model_name>/<checkpoint>. If the model flag is provided, model_name=model. Otherwise model_name is the value of model_paths.<model_type>.base_checkpoint in the config file configs/model_config_paths.yaml appended by no_data_augmentation or data_augmentation depending if the --use_aug flag is added (see the instructions for prediction as well). However, if you have downloaded our data as described in the installation, the models should already have the correct paths.

The resume flag ensures that the training with the already existing model is continued and not started from scratch again.

Train on pretrained model from mmdetection modelzoo

If you want to train on any pretrained model you first need to choose which pretrained model you want to use and download it into references/mmdetection/checkpoint. You now have downloaded a model with name <model_type>_<param_config>_<date>-<identifier>.pth. If you can find any model_paths with base_config equal to <model>_<param_config>_coco in configs/model_config_paths.yaml you are good to go.

Otherwise the procedure is a bit more complex:

First you need to create a new config file cfg_file=references/mmdetection/configs/<model>/<model>_<param_config> The config file should look like the the corresponding python file without the SPINE addition.

Now take a look into all the _base_ configs the original config file is referring to. At some point it will refer to a file inside references/mmdetection/configs/_base_/datasets. You can copy this into your newly created file cfg_file and replace the following fields:

data_root = 'data/raw'
data.train.ann_file = 'data/default_annotations/data_train.csv'
data.val.ann_file = 'data/default_annotations/data_val.csv'
data.test.ann_file = 'data/default_annotations/data_test.csv'
work_dir = 'tutorial_exps'

Afterwards you need to add the following entry inside the configs/model_config_paths.yaml under model_paths:

    base_checkpoint: <model>
    base_config: <model>/<model>_<param_config>_coco

where <custom_model_type> can be any custom name you would like to use.

After preparing the data and the config files, the training can then be started with

python src/spine_detection/ \
    --model_type <custom_model_type>

More command line parameters as the number of epochs or the learning rate are available. A list of all parameters can be found in the code or by using the -h or --help flag.


Q: There are no detections and I get the warning missing key in source state_dict: ... or unexpected key in source state_dict: ...

A: This means the model weights from the .pth file cannot be correctly matched to the expected model weights. This probably happens because the --model_type flag does not fit for the loaded model weights. The config file configs/model_config_paths.yaml shows which model type should be entered so that the correct weights are expected. For more details see here.

Q: The installation is stuck in the Building wheel for mmcv-full ( ... phase

A: For certain python versions there is no pre-compiled version of mmcv available, so it needs to be downloaded, compiled and installed. This may take more than ten minutes, so please be patient.


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