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nem token sale

NEM Coinbase Token Sale API

This repo provides all of the code needed to operate a token sale on the NEM blockchain.

This code powered the Cache Token Sale.

The code will do the following:

  1. Send your NEM Token (Mosaic) to purchasers
  2. Let purchasers buy with XEM
  3. Let purchasers buy with Coinbase Commerce
  4. Process KYC for XEM and manual crypto payments


Requires: Node v8.2+, MongoDB

  1. Clone this repo:
  2. Run cd nem-coinbase-token-sale-api && npm install
  3. Run npm install -g pm2 nodemon
  4. In a new terminal tab, run mongod to start the mongo daemon (if you run into errors in this process it means your MongoDB installation likely isn't properly set up). If successful, the mongo daemon will start, leave this running.

Seed Test Data

The only data needed on first build is the token packages you plan to sell.

  1. From within your project directory run: cd test
  2. Run mongoimport --db token-api-local --collection products --file products.json --jsonArray

Result will look similar to:

seed import

Build & Run the Project

To build the project and start the server run:

npm run localdev

If everything worked correctly you'll see something similar to this:

local running

To test the running server, open up a new terminal tab or window and run:

curl http://localhost:3005/localdev/v1/product/all

You should see a printout of your products that you inserted earlier.

Hot reloading is enabled for development - as you make changes the code will recompile and the server will restart.

Unit Testing

To run through all the tests run:

npm run test

Hot reloading is enabled for unit testing.

Important Notes

Wallet & Secret Keys

Put the following lines in your .gitignore file:


Do NOT put your passwords, secret keys, or wallet files in version control. We left these in the project so you can see the format.

You will need to put a wallet on your server, and point to the path in the nem-config.json file.

Your wallet and password is needed to sign transactions, ie automatically send your token to purchasers.


Use the environment files for your various API keys like Coinbase commerce.

They look like this: .env.development and


To deploy, use your favorite hosting provider and set up a Linux distribution. We use Digital Ocean for our hosting.

Get $15 FREE credit for Digital Ocean hosting. Use this code on the billing page: DODEVSLOPES15

(non-affiliate - we asked for these codes for our community)

Requires: Node v8.2+, MongoDB

Prior to deployment you may want to have your pendingXEMCharges expire after 15 minutes. To set this up:

  1. Open a terminal window
  2. Run mongo to enter the mongo shell
  3. Choose your database ie use token-production-api
  4. Run db.pendingXemCharges.createIndex({"createdAt": 1}, { expireAfterSeconds: 900})

This will cause records in this database collection to be deleted after 15 minutes automatically.

Deployment steps:

  1. Clone this repo:
  2. Run cd nem-coinbase-token-sale-api && npm install
  3. Run npm install -g pm2
  4. Run mongo as a background process
  5. Run npm run build then npm start

You will now have a PM2 process running named api-token-production running on port 4561

Learn more about PM2 here.


We recommend NGINX for reverse proxy and node apps. Here is an example config that you can put in /etc/nginx/sites-available

server {
        listen 80;

        location / {
                proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
                proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
                proxy_set_header X-NginX-Proxy true;
                proxy_pass http://localhost:4561;
                proxy_ssl_session_reuse off;
                proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
                proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;
                proxy_redirect off;

A production deployment could flow like this:

  1. Register with Digital Ocean and create an Ubuntu droplet
  2. Run the API project with PM2 as written above
  3. Configure NGINX similar to above

That's it.


Your client apps will interface with the following REST endpoints:

  • GET: /product/all
  • GET: /product/purchase-lookup-coinbase/:tokenRecipientAddress
  • POST: /transaction/initiate-xem-purchase
  • POST /transaction/initiate-coinbase-purchase
  • GET: /info/tokens-sold
  • PUT: /info/update-usd
  • PUT: /kyc/email

Final Notes

This code uses the MIT license - use it as you see fit. We are not responsible for any bugs or issues in this code. Please review before publishing.

One piece of code that is on our server that is not here is the verification of multiple confirmations. We are still cleaning that code up. Know that it is important to make multiple verifications of a transaction before sending tokens to a recipient.