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Releases: bnosac/blackbar-docker


14 Dec 15:29
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Release 0.1

  • blackbar-base: image based on prefecthq/prefect, version 2.15.0-python3.10 which is based on Ubuntu 20.04
  • blackbar-base-apps: image based on + shiny and commonly used shiny extensions (rmarkdown/shinydashboard/slib/fontawesome/knitr/reticulate)
  • blackbar-inception-minio: Inception (28.5) and Minio (RELEASE.2024-11-07T00-52-20Z)
  • blackbar-inception-minio-mariadb: Inception (28.5) and Minio (RELEASE.2024-11-07T00-52-20Z) and MariaDB (10.7)
  • blackbar-shinyproxy: ShinyProxy 3.0.2 and openjdk 11
  • blackbar-rstudio: RStudio, R 4.2.1, Python 3.10, Python packages relevant for blackbar, Java 21 from eclipse-temurin