This is not a official distribution of owl carousel 2 Owl Carosel for Angular 2+
Run this command to install this library
npm install ng2-owl-carousel2
This library needs jquery and owl carousel library
import jquery globally as per your type of your project.
import owlcarousel library after importing jquery
Import and add this component to the declaration section
import { Ng2OwlCarouselComponent } from "ng2.owl.carousel";
declarations: [
imports: [
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }
Now go the component where you want to use it. and place your html inside tag
<ng2-owl-carousel2 (onItemSelect)="onItemSelect($event)"
useAttributeSelector="boolean value"
<!--If attribute selector is true-->
//add carousel-item attribute to the html element. onselect will do nothing in this case
<div carousel-item><div>
<!--If attribute selector is false-->
<carousel-item *ngFor="let item of <your item collection>">
//your item template here
In the typescript file-
- Import CarouselOptions
- Declare a variable of type CarouselOptions and then you can access all the properties of owl carousel with nice intellisense.
import { CarouselOptions } from 'ng2-owl-carousel2';
export class AppComponent {
carouselOptions: CarouselOptions;
constructor() {
this.carouselOptions = new CarouselOptions();
//this carousel item can be used anywhere
- setAutoHeight(enable: boolean)-- Set auto height
- setAutoWidth(enable: boolean)-- set auto width
- enableAutoPlay(autoPlay?: boolean, autoplayTimeout?: number, autoplayHoverPause?: boolean)-- Enables auto play
- enableLazyLoading(enable: boolean)-- Enables lazy loading of images
- allowMerge(enable: boolean, mapping: Array)-- To use this feature import MergefitMap class along with CarouselOptions and pass an array of mapping
import { CarouselOptions,MergefitMap } from 'ng2-owl-carousel2';
constructor() {
this.carouselOptions = new CarouselOptions();
//first parameter of the constructor is the resolution of the screen and second one is to enable or disable Merge fit option
let mappings: Array<MergefitMap> =[
new MergefitMap(678, true),
new MergefitMap(500, true)
] ;
- enableMouseScroll(enable: boolean)-- Enables mouse scroll on carousel.
- makeResponsive(enable: boolean, mapping: Array)-- To use this feature import ScreenResolutionMap class along with CarouselOptions and pass an array of mapping
import { CarouselOptions,ScreenResolutionMap } from 'ng2-owl-carousel2';
constructor() {
this.carouselOptions = new CarouselOptions();
// Parameters of the constructor
// screenWidth : Width of the screen
// itemCount : items to be displayed on that resolution
// nav : navigation enabled or disapled
// loop : should loop or not
let mappings: Array<ScreenResolutionMap> =[
new ScreenResolutionMap(678, true),
new ScreenResolutionMap(500, true)
] ;
- directionRightToLeft(enable: boolean)-- Direction in whichc carousel items will move
- directionLeftToRight(enable: boolean)-- Direction in whichc carousel items will move
- onItemSelect event-- onItemSelect will be fired whenever any item will be seleted
All these methods are chainnable