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Provides uniform functional methods to access data in SQL, Lucene,, SimpleDB, Xml and in-memory. Inspired by LINQ. Now you can map/reduce/join across different data sources.

Quick Start

Choose an implementation:

Implementations Usage Transactions
MemoryRecords Test No
STMRecords Test Yes
LuceneRecords Production No
SqlRecords Production Yes
SimpleDBRecords Production No
XmlRecords Production No

Create Definitions and Keywords

Definitions are similar to schemas, they tell LazyRecords the name of the records you will store and what fields the records will contain. To access the value of a field you use a keyword;

Keywords are similar to Clojure keywords or Ruby symbols with the addition of type information. The type information is used in the conversion from Java types to the underlying datastore and back.

Keyword<Date> dob = keyword("dob", Date.class);
Keyword<String> name = keyword("name", String.class);
Definition people = definition("people", dob, name);

Normally you will make these into constants.

Create some data

Records supports 3 different modification operations:

Operation Description
Add Inserts new records into the underlying store (no predicate)
Set Updates existing records that match the supplied predicate
Put Inserts or Updates records based on if a predicate matches

Lets just add some data:

    record(name, "dan", dob, date(1977, 1, 10)),
    record(name, "matt", dob, date(1975, 1, 10)),
    record(name, "bob", dob, date(1976, 1, 10)));

Query your data

To query our data we get our data from records and start using our favourite functional methods like filter, map, reduce

records.get(people); // returns 3 records with all fields
records.get(people).filter(where(name, is("dan"))); // returns 1 record
records.get(people).map(name); // returns "dan", "matt", "bob"
records.get(people).reduce(maximum(dob)); // returns date(1977, 1, 10)
records.get(people).sortBy(ascending(dob)); // returns 3 records sorted by `dob` 

Obviously you can chain these together. More examples...

Java Support

Version 1.1 requires Java 7 or higher. Version 293 is the last build that supports Java 6.