Light, sandier shades punctuated by punchier sun-bleached accent colors. A color scheme for the Hyper terminal based off the SonoraBuild Minecraft server, with influence from Solarized Light.
Package install (npm)
Open the Hyper preferences file (either through the context menu, or at ~/.config/Hyper/.hyper.js
on *nix systems), go to plugin: []
, and add 'hyper-sonoran-sunrise' like so: plugin: ['hyper-sonoran-sunrise']
. Save the file and reload Hyper (if necessary).
Manual install (local):
Clone this repository to ~/.config/Hyper/.hyper_plugins/local/
on *nix systems, or C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Hyper\.hyper_plugins\local\
on Windows systems, then reload Hyper (if necessary).
VS Code Theme (Soon to come...)
Credits to Solarized (Light) by Ethan Schoonover for inspiration.