A basic Flutter application with an Android home screen app widget. Works on Android, IOS and Web.
Web App: https://nuptialflight.app/
Ant Nuptial Flight Predictor downloads the weather in your current location and gives you the rough likelihood that queen ants are flying near you today and for the next week. When the percentage is high, time to get outside and looking for ants in your local area!
Originally I used these papers to inform the algorithms in the app:
- Weather conditions during nuptial flight of Manica rubida
- The spatial distribution and environmental triggers of ant mating flights
- Weather Conditions During Nuptial Flights of Four European Ant Species
Newer versions of the app use Data Science algorithms, for example Random Forest over user-contributed data.
Build in Android Studio.
The following commands were useful:
flutter pub pub run flutter_automation --android-sign
flutter packages pub run flutter_launcher_icons:main
flutter --no-color build appbundle
Dependency upgrade instruction:
flutter pub upgrade --major-versions
You'll need to create a file at assets/.env with a line:
OPENWEATHERMAP_API_KEY=<your secret key>
setting your free https://home.openweathermap.org/api_keys key.
Code originally forked from https://github.com/ashgarg143/AppWidgetFlutter
Thanks for the Ant Icon by Vladyslav Severyn on Iconscout.