When you move, roll the appropriate move.
This Powered by the Apocalypse tabletop role-playing game is an experiment around the concept of Moves, that are central in Apocalypse World. Moves here are taken literaly, and are only triggered by the movements of the body of the character.
Each character has 3 stats:
: run, dance, balance, acrobatics, kick,arms
: lift, punch, crush, slice, throw,fingers
: steal, pickpocket, fix, type, paint, play music,
Each player will chose one of the playbooks below, assign the scores as defined in the playbook. Then the player will pick an option and a special ability.
This character must have a name, and the player will describe the character's background and general appearance.
If the MC feels the need, she may ask the players to explain how the characters know each other.
The MC will present situations and eventually the players will have to make a movement with their body. Each time a body movement is uncertain, presents a risk, or even danger, the MC will have to call for a Move.
When you move roll 2d6+stat
- on 6-: something bad is happening. The MC may call for a hard move.
- on 7-9: you barely succeed, but with a cost. The MC may call for a soft move.
- on 10+: your movement is successful.
- Your movement is stopped,
- Your movement is slower than expected,
- You're being noticed by someone else,
- You fall,
- You drop the item,
- The device stops working,
- You're hurt, stunned, injured,
- Something's is happening in the background,
- You're threatened,
- The other doesn't fall into your trap,
- The other starts to dislike what you do,
- You mistype on your keyboard and hit [Enter],
Each character starts with a Body Clock that has a number of segments. It represents the stamina of the character. When all the segments are blank, the character is in the best health possible.
When the character is hurt, the MC tells the player how many segments he has to strike or fill.
When the character has only 2 segments left, every Move has a -1 modifier.
When the character strikes off his last segment, he falls unconcious. If he's not healed quickly, the character dies.
If only one or two segments are filled, the character can regain them with a full rest (on full night of sleep).
For every other segment, it'll be restored at the price of one per week to the condition that the character does nothing else than rest and respects the treatment.
This game is © 2016 - Bruno Bord ; and is distributed under the terms of the CC-BY Creative Commons License.