Get all keys from an AWS account and send an email if a key is getting old
An example environment variable file:
The AWS ID (yes this service does audit its own key)
The AWS secret
API Key for Sendgrid
The number of days a key can live before marked as needing to be deleted soon
The number of days a key can live before marked as needing to be deleted
The email address to send the email to
The email address the email is sent as
The email address to reply to (helpful when clicking REPLY ALL)
The application is (currently) deployed to the us-east1 Kubernetes cluster and is done manually for now.
The secrets and cronjob configuration can be found in the kube
repo at: <kube repo root>/
NOTE: all scripts are run in the aws-key-auditor
directory in the kube
First make sure the secret containing the .env file is created
Apply the cronjob deployment to kuberenetes
kubectl apply -f cronjob.yaml
Make changes to code, commit and push
Get the latest git hash
git rev-parse HEAD
Publish with the latest git hash as the version
./ <the git hash>
Update version in the kube
cd <kube repo root>/
edit cronjob.yaml
Update the image version
image: bufferapp/aws-key-auditor:<the git hash>
Deploy the version
kubectl apply -f cronjob.yaml
Open the environment variables in the kube
cd <kube repo root>/
edit env
change the environment variables
Update the environment variables secret