#1.Download SmallTalk form git@github.com:bzwj/insistOn-Going.git
#2.Edit file "init.go" At"SmallTalk/backend - DissertationVersion/app/model/" in line 15,To change the username and password to connect to SQL
#3.Run file "chat.sql" At "SmallTalk/backend - DissertationVersion/"
#4.shift+🖱right button call the Powershell At Folder:"SmallTalk/backend - DissertationVersion/app" and input "run main.go"
#5.shift+🖱right button call the Powershell At Folder:"SmallTalk/frontend - DissertationVersion" and input "npm install"
#<5.1 Wait for finish and continue to enter "npm run dev"
#6.Enter in the browser address bar: localhost:80