Brief description
- Carina has entered CNCF panorama and is applying for sandbox project. This version mainly adds the function of bare disk and adjusts the project structure
Support functions
- Removed csi.proto upgrade CSI_VERSION=1.5
- Remove device registration and use the CRD resource NodeStorageResource instead
- Added controllers that maintain NodeStorageResource
- The scheduler supports fetching resources from NodeStorageResource
- Upgrade go.mod to depend on K8s1.23
- Upgrade the Webhook certificate using job
- Raw disk support
- Storage volume backup is supported with Velero
- More English documentation support
- Specification of fields in annotations
Mirror address
What's Changed
- Feature/v0.9.1 node notready by @antmoveh in #43
- make migrate pods test for mysql example by @zhangkai8048 in #45
- change wx images by @zhangkai8048 in #46
- change wx img by @zhangkai8048 in #48
- V0.9.1 change example mysql.md by @zhangkai8048 in #49
- Feature/v0.9.3 k8s certgen by @antmoveh in #50
- Feature/v0.9.4 node crd by @antmoveh in #55
- Feature/v0.9.4 crd scheduler by @antmoveh in #56
- Feature/v0.9.5 resolve conflict by @antmoveh in #57
- Feature/v0.9.4 test node by @antmoveh in #58
- [docs] add english manuals by @ZhangZhenhua in #61
- [docs] add blogs in readme by @ZhangZhenhua in #62
- add CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md by @ZhangZhenhua in #64
- [docs] mark RAID management as V1.0 by @ZhangZhenhua in #65
- [docs] add CONTRIBUTING.md by @ZhangZhenhua in #66
- Feature/batav0.10 raw by @zhangkai8048 in #67
Full Changelog: v0.9.1...v0.10.0