Collection of urls for web developers to learn and grow.
I actually started doing this to keep all my bookmarked websites neatly organized in one place, but I hope it also helps other people in their coding journey! :)
- AdventJS: JavaScript coding challenges every day of December.
- Codecademy: An online interactive platform that offers free coding classes in different programming languages including Python, Java, Go, JavaScript, Ruby, SQL, C++, C#, and Swift.
- Codewars: Coding challenges to improve coding skills.
- Codier: Explore and attempt front-end coding challenges.
- CSSBattle: The funnest multiplayer game with 300K+ web designers & developers. Replicate the target images using CSS - the shorter your code, the higher your score.
- CSS Speedrun: A small fun app to test your CSS knowledge. Find the correct CSS selectors for the 10 puzzles as fast as possible.
- devChallenges: Real-life coding challenges to become a Software Engineer.
- Exercism: Develop fluency in 67 programming languages with a unique blend of learning, practice and mentoring.
- FreeCodeCamp: A non-profit educational organization that consists of an interactive learning web platform, an online community forum, chat rooms, online publications and local organizations that intend to make learning software development accessible to anyone.
- Frontend Mentor: Improve your front-end coding skills by building real projects.
- Frontend Practice: Take your frontend skills to the next level by recreating real websites from real companies. The perfect type of practice for developers of all skill levels.
- iCodeThis: There's a new coding challenge awaiting for you every day, and you have 24 hours to complete it.
- JavaScript30: 30 Day Vanilla JS Coding Challenge. Build 30 things in 30 days with 30 tutorials.
- LeetCode: Provides coding and algorithmic problems intended for users to practice coding.
- Scrimba: A fun and fast way of learning to code! Our interactive courses and tutorials will teach you React, Vue, Angular, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, etc.
- Codédex (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python): Journey through the fantasy land of Python, HTML, CSS, or JavaScript. Along the way, earn experience points (XP) to unlock new regions and collect badges.
- Codingame (Many languages): Level up your coding with games, puzzles, and challenges.
- CSS Diner (CSS): Learn CSS selectors.
- Oh My Git! (Git): An open source game about learning Git.
- SQL Murder Mystery (SQL): There's been a Murder in SQL City! The SQL Murder Mystery is designed to be both a self-directed lesson to learn SQL concepts and commands and a fun game for experienced SQL users to solve an intriguing crime.
- WarriorJS (JavaScript): Code your way through dungeons, prove your skills, and get hired.
- AppIdeas: Not just a simple list of projects, but a collection that describes each project in enough detail so that you can develop it from the ground up.
- RapidAPI: A multi-cloud, customized hub to find, connect to, and share APIs.
- Collect UI: Daily inspiration collected from Daily UI archive and beyond.
- UIVerse: Create, share, and use beautiful custom elements made with CSS or TailwindCSS.
- Clean Code JavaScript: A guide to producing readable, reusable, and refactorable software in JavaScript.
- CSS Tricks: Daily articles about CSS, HTML, JavaScript, and all things related to web design and development.
- Developer Roadmaps: A community effort to create roadmaps, guides and other educational content to help guide developers in picking up a path and guide their learnings.
- Vue Mastery: As the ultimate resource for Vue.js developers, Vue Mastery produces weekly lessons so you can learn what you need to succeed as a Vue.js Developer.
- Vue School: Basic to advanced Vue.js training from core team members & industry experts. In-depth lessons with weekly updates on Pinia, Typescript, Vue Use, Laravel & more.
- 30 Seconds of Interviews: A curated collection of common web development interview questions to help you prepare for your next interview.
- Awesome Interview Questions: A curated list of lists of technical interview questions.
- Codesignal: Practice for technical interviews.
- Coding Interview University: A study plan for Software Engineering.
- Every Programmer Should Know: A collection of (mostly) technical things every software developer should know.
- Front End Interview Handbook: Front end interview preparation materials for busy engineers - trivias, coding, algorithms, front end system design and more!
- Google Interview Warmup: A quick way to prepare for your next interview. Practice key questions, get insights about your answers, and get more comfortable interviewing.
- How Web Works: What happens behind the scenes when we type in a browser?
- Tech interview Handbook: Fastest way to prepare effectively for your software engineering interviews.