Casa de la Muntanya's model3d is a blank canvas to project digital data layers and custom simulations over a physical 3D representation of the Andorran orography, using the Processing environment.
This library provides the base interfaces and classes to develop visualizations.
Clone this repo into the Processing libraries directory.
[re]start Processing and include desired packages.
import ad.casadelamuntanya.model3d.*;
import ad.casadelamuntanua.model3d.feature.*;
import ad.casadelamuntanua.model3d.surface.*;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.CoordinateSequenceFilter;
There is a known issue with the sketch requiring to import CoordinateSequenceFilter from jts.
This code is intended to keep as much generic as possible and not all functionalities developed in a custom sketch must be included. Cool stuff may be, though.
To include new features into the library, add/edit files in the src directory and un the provided bash build script the compile it.
Note that src/code
must contain jts.jar and warp.jar files
New .jar file will be generated and moved to the appropriate directory. Commit changes and open a Pull Request.