Version 0.0.1
A command-line ruby script to scrape the tablular data of an ArcGIS Server feature layer through the REST API and store the results locally in a CSV.
There is no easy way for a user to get all of the tabular data for a large
(> 1,000 features)
ArcGIS Server feature layer.
ArcGIS Server does not provide "bulk download" functionality, nor does the
REST API allow you to
query for more than 1,000 features at a time (at least under the default
server configuration). However, by default, there is no limit on the number
of results for a query that returns only the ObjectIDs
for all of the
features in a layer.
Therefore, to scrape the tabular data of a feature layer,
map-gather first queries for the ObjectIDs
of all of the
features in the provided layer. Then, in batches of 100,
WHERE OBJECTD ID IN (1, 2, 3,...)
queries are made (~2 seconds apart,
as to not overwhelm the server) until all of the features are retrieved.
The results are written locally to a CSV file.
- Ruby
- rest-client
- An open (i.e. no auth token/password needed) ArcGIS Server REST API endpoint to query
$ ruby map_gather.rb REST_API_URL OUTPUT_FILE_NAME
Or, more specifically:
$ ruby map_gather.rb http://www.example.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/folder_name/map_name/MapServer/layer_index/query output.csv
$ ruby map_gather.rb http://server.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/World_Topo_Map/MapServer/6/query output.csv
Getting list of OBJECTIDs...
Creating output file...
Getting and saving features...
...at OID 100, 25.44529262086514% Done
...at OID 200, 50.89058524173028% Done
...at OID 300, 76.33587786259542% Done
- Better error handling/checking
- Add optional arguments to modify query parameters
- Add optional arguments to adjust throttle time
- Create tests