This application was developed using a very old Castle Game Engine version. It still builds with the latest engine version (it is even tested by GitHub Actions to make sure we maintain backward-compatibility) but it's absolutely not how I would go about implementing this game type now.
Do not use this game as a learning example. Instead, get latest Castle Game Engine and browse examples
inside the installed engine.
This project is maintained here only:
- for historical purposes
- and as part of automated test to make sure we maintain backward-compatibility when developing new engine versions.
A pretty 3D game-like experience where you swim towards a sound, using Castle Game Engine.
Using Castle Game Engine, see .
Download Castle Game Engine
Install the build tool of Castle Game Engine, see .
Basically, you compile a "castle-engine" program, and place it on $PATH. And you set the environment variable $CASTLE_ENGINE_PATH to the directory that contains (as a child) castle_game_engine/ directory.
Compile by simple "make" in this directory.
Steer the boat:
- With arrows.
- W / S also work to move forward / backward.
- Rotate by moving the mouse.
Other keys:
- F5 - Save screen.
- Escape - Exit.
Debug keys:
- Ctrl-1/2/3/4 - Adjust the silhouette effect parameters.
- Ctrl-5 - Switch to Examine camera.
- Ctrl-6 - Cheat move to next part.
- Ctrl-8 - Toggle rendering debug things in 3D view.
- Ctrl-9/0/P/O - Adjust the scale and height of the generated terrain (only for the part with yellowish terrain).
GNU GPL >= 2.