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Evaluating dense model-based approaches for Multimodal Medical Case retrieval

Installation and Use

  1. Import imageclefenv environment: conda env create --file imageclefenv.yaml

  2. Activate environment: conda activate imageclefenv

Then follow the usage instructions here to run the code of each step of the pipeline, after setting the environment variables explained below.

Workflow pipeline of the retrieval system Workflow pipeline of the retrieval system: dataset collection and article encoding (step 1), storage and indexing of embeddings (step 2), query encoding (step 3), results fusion (step 4), and retrieval of a final ranked list of results (step 5). The query workflow is turquoise, whereas the articles' workflow is black.

Note: To use LongCLIP, download the checkpoint of the model LongCLIP-B and place it under ./checkpoints.

Environment Variables

In order to run the project, you need to set all of the following environment variables in a .env file:

  • HF_TOKEN: HuggingFace token.

  • HF_HOME: HuggingFace home directory, where data will be locally stored.

  • DATA_DIR_PATH: Dataset directory (file structure detailed next).

  • OUTPUT_DIR_PATH: Output directory.


Case-based retrieval task from ImageCLEFmed 2013 Task detailed here.

The data directory must follow the following structure:

│   case-based-topics.xml   
│   │   01_1.jpg
│   │   01_2.jpg
|   |   ...
|   │   scrt68-3.jpg
|   │   rr11-4.jpg
|   |   ...
│   │
│   └───one-file-per-article/
│       │   article_126217.xml
│       │   article_29062.xml
│       │   ...
    │   qrel-2013-case_based.txt


Evaluating dense model-based approaches for Multimodal Medical Case retrieval.




