This repository contains the definition of the ROS messages used in the SIMAR project.
This package is tested under ROS Noetic and Ubuntu 20.04. To install the messages in your workspace, clone the repository and build it using catkin_make.
The following table describes the messages defined in this package.
Message name | Description |
simar_msgs/Alarm | Message used to send alarms to the system. |
simar_msgs/PayloadAction | Message used to send actions to the availble payloads. |
simar_msgs/ExtremeTemps | Message used to publish the extreme temperature data. |
simar_msgs/PixelTemp | Message used to show the temperature of a pixel. |
The following table describes the services implemented in SIMAR packages.
Services name | Type | Description |
/simar/visual_payload/capture | std_srvs/Trigger | Triggers the capture of an image from the camera. |
/simar/visual_payload/recording_start | std_srvs/Trigger | Starts recording video from the camera. |
/simar/visual_payload/recording_stop | std_srvs/Trigger | Stops recording video from the camera. |
/simar/visual_payload/zoom_in | std_srvs/Trigger | Zooms in the camera's field of view. |
/simar/visual_payload/zoom_out | std_srvs/Trigger | Zooms out the camera's field of view. |
/simar/visual_payload/set_eth_stream | simar_wirispro_driver/CameraEthStreamService | Sets the Ethernet stream status (TRUE/FALSE). |
/ros_gremsy/goal | ros_gremsy/GimbalPos.srv | Controls the gimbal’s orientation. |
/ros_gremsy/mode | ros_gremsy/GimbalMode.srv | Sets the gimbal’s operating mode . |