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apt-cyg is a command-line installer for Cygwin which cooperates with Cygwin Setup and uses the same repository. The syntax is similar to apt-get. Usage examples:
- "apt-cyg install " to install packages
- "apt-cyg remove " to remove packages
- "apt-cyg update" to update setup.ini
- "apt-cyg show" to show installed packages
- "apt-cyg find <pattern(s)>" to find packages matching patterns
- "apt-cyg search " to find packages matching patterns (alias of find)
- "apt-cyg describe <pattern(s)>" to describe packages matching patterns
- "apt-cyg packageof " to locate parent packages
First install curl and wget through the standard cygwin setup program. Then run the following commands:
# curl -o /usr/bin/apt-cyg
# chmod +x /usr/bin/apt-cyg
use apt-cyg, for example:
# apt-cyg install nano