Release 2022.11.22
- Numpy linked to OpenBLAS
- GDAL 3.6
- Pygame
Binary wheels for the following packages are included in the release:
- biopython 1.80
- BTrees 4.11.3
- fastparquet 2022.11.0
- Fiona 1.8.22
- imagecodecs 2022.9.26
- imgui 2.0.0
- line_profiler 4.0.1
- maturin 0.14.1
- mercurial 6.3.1
- netCDF4 1.6.2
- numpy 1.23.5
- orjson 3.8.2
- pandas 1.5.2
- persistent 4.9.3
- pillow_avif_plugin 1.3.1
- psycopg2 2.9.5
- psygnal 0.6.1
- pycairo 1.22.0
- PyCifRW 4.4.5
- pygame 2.1.3
- PyGreSQL 5.2.4
- pymongo 4.3.3
- pymssql 2.2.7
- pyodbc 4.0.35
- pyopencl 2022.3
- pyzmq 24.0.1
- rasterio 1.3.4
- scikit_image 0.19.3
- scikit_learn 1.1.3
- scipy 1.9.3
- simplejson 3.18.0
- vispy 0.12.1
- yt 4.1.2
- zodbpickle 2.6
- zope.interface 5.5.2
The wheels include the following statically or dynamically linked libraries:
- BerkeleyDB 5.3.28
- boost 1.80.0
- brotli 1.0.9
- brunsli 0.1
- bzip2 1.0.8
- c-ares 1.18.1
- c-blosc2 2.4.3
- c-blosc 1.21.1
- cairo 1.16.0+lgpl
- cfitsio 3.49
- charls 2.3.4
- curl 7.86.0
- expat 2.4.9
- flac 1.4.2
- flann 1.9.2
- freeglut 3.4.0
- freetds 1.3.14+lgpl
- freetype 2.12.1
- freexl 1.0.6
- gdal
- geos 3.11.1+lgpl
- giflib 5.2.1
- gle 3.1.0
- glew 2.2.0
- glfw 3.3.8
- harfbuzz 5.3.1
- hdf4 4.2.15
- hdf5 1.10.9
- icu4c 72.1
- imath 3.1.5
- jasper 4.0.0
- json-c 0.16
- jxrlib 1.1
- krb5 1.20.1
- lerc 4.0.0
- libaec 1.0.6
- libde265 1.0.9+lgpl
- libdeflate 1.14
- libgeotiff 1.7.1
- libgit2 1.5.0
- libjpeg-turbo 2.1.4
- libjxl 0.7.0
- libkml 1.3.0
- liblzf 3.6
- libmikmod
- libmodplug master
- libpng 1.6.39
- libsodium 1.0.18
- libspatialite 5.0.1
- libssh2 1.10.0
- libtiff 4.4.0
- libwebp 1.2.4
- libxml2 2.10.3
- libxslt 1.1.37
- littlecms 2.14
- lz4 1.9.4
- minizip-ng 3.0.7
- mozjpeg 4.1.1
- mpg123 1.31.1+lgpl
- msgpack-c 2.1.4
- netcdf-c 4.8.1
- ogg 1.3.5
- openblas 0.3.21
- opencl-icd-loader 2022.09.30
- opencv 4.6.0
- openexr 3.1.5
- openjpeg 2.5.0
- openldap 2.4.59
- openssl 1.1.1s
- opus 1.3.1
- opusfile 0.12
- pdcurses 3.9
- pixman 0.42.2+lgpl
- portaudio 19.7
- portmidi 2.0.2
- postgresql 15.1
- proj 9.1.0
- protobuf 4.21.9
- rtmidi 5.0.0
- sdl 2.26.0
- sdl_image 2.6.2
- sdl_mixer 2.6.2
- sdl_ttf 2.20.1
- snappy 1.1.8
- spatialindex 1.9.3
- sqlite 3.39.4
- ta-lib 0.4.0
- udunits 2.2.28
- uriparser 0.9.7
- vorbis 1.3.7
- win-iconv master
- winpty master
- xz 5.2.8
- zfp 1.0.0
- zlib-ng 2.0.6
- zlib 1.2.13
- zopfli 1.0.3
- zstd v1.5.2
Build system
- Windows Dev Kit 2023
- Visual Studio 2022 Community 17.4
- Python 3.11.0 (ARM64)
- LLVM 15.0.3-woa64
- Flang 0.3
- Rust 1.65.0
- OpenJDK 17.0.5 LTS
- Strawberry Perl
- MSYS2 20221028
- Git 2.38.1
- CMake 3.24.3
- DirectX SDK 9.0c