Run the file RunMe.m in Matlab (R2007b+)
Make sure the files: (a). create_map (Not required for the RunMe file) (b). draw (c). edge_fn (d). find_new_node (e). goal_edge (f). map.mat (g). nearest (h). RRT (i). problem are in the same folder.
If there is no map.mat, run create_map file to generate the map with obstacles. (it will generate map.mat)
To update the map, run create_map.m and then Run RunMe.m for RRT.
Input argunments are to be changed in 'problem.m' file
- Start Node: start_node [x y]
- End Goal: goal [x y]
- r_goal: Radius of the End Goal region
- Epsilon: Minimum Step size for the RRT
- Change the input data
- Matlab R2014b or later.
- Tested on MATLAB R2016b, Arch Linux 2017.03.01, Kernel: 4.9.11
RRT (Rapidly-Exploring Random Trees) using the MIT license.