Ball Halter 3D is an android game full of challenges developed using Unity 3d with 20 exciting and difficult-to-beat levels.
- Game has a credit System implemented and has an item shop.
- Item Shop where you can purchase skins for the ball.
- Diamonds can be collected by completing levels, in-game diamond pick-ups, or by watching a reward unity ad.
- Game records all the records of the player level deaths and the time spent average time spent to complete a level.
- Game has more than 20 different obstacles in 20 different levels to make the game a bit challenging.
- Game has several pick-ups with had unique visual effects for the player to see the world.
Currently available only on Android
Google Play Store: -
- Optimise the game to make it feel smooth and work on many more devices without any issues.
- More levels to be added.
1. Main Menu looks like this with cinematic animation.
2. Item Shop with 6 different Skins for the ball.
3. Item Shop with 6 different Skins for the ball.
4. Level 0 / Tutorial Level.
4. 2 different Themes A basic Terrain and Scifi Theme.
5. Many unique PowerUps.