GTD—or “Getting things done”—is a framework for organizing and tracking your tasks and projects. Its aim is a bit higher than just “getting things done”, though. (It should have been called “Getting things done in a much better way than just letting things happen, which often turns out not to be very cool at all”.) Its aim is to make you have 100% trust in a system for collecting tasks, ideas, and projects—both vague things like “invent greatest thing ever” and concrete things like “call Ada 25 August to discuss cheesecake recipe”. Everything!
Read on here to know more!
Alhough creating a todo list like application seems like an easy programming task, applying a new productivity framework effectively would require a seamless, easy-to-use application with a full proof ui/ux . And starting with its back-end functionality is the best way to go. So cheers to cli
# prerequisites: disregard if you have installed typescript and typings
npm install typescript typings --global
git clone && cd git-backend
npm install && typings install
tsc # build the typescripts
# yass!
# gtd config init <-- would create the database
then you are good to go!
First, lets create the database.
gtd config <sub_cmd>
sub_cmd | description |
init | create a database |
The heart of GTD would fall down to 4 things: task, context, folder and agenda.
gtd task <sub_cmd>
The parameter toInsertTo
specifies the index to which the task should be inserted to.
gtd task list
{_id: 1, name: task3 ...}
{_id: 2, name: task2 ...}
{_id: 3, name: task1 ...}
and after an execution of
gtd task sort 3 1 & gtd task list
would render
{_id: 3, name: task1 ...}
{_id: 1, name: task3 ...}
{_id: 2, name: task2 ...}
and then
gtd task sort 2 2 & gtd task list
would output
{_id: 3, name: task1 ...}
{_id: 2, name: task2 ...}
{_id: 1, name: task3 ...}
The parameter allOrNotDone
are allowed 3 values:
- returns all tasks.truthy
value - returns only the tasks that are not yet finishedfalsy
value - returns only the finished tasks
sub_cmd | description | arguments |
create | create a task | name , desc , folderId , contextId , agendaId |
sort | sort unorganized tasks by selected order index | taskId , toInsertTo (number) |
list | list unorganized task | |
list-by-parent (list-p) | list task by parent task. | taskId , parentTaskId , allOrNotDone |
sort-by-parent (sort-p) | sorts tasks by parent task | taskId , toInsertTo |
set-parent | set task a parent task. A task with a folder cannot have a parent task, if shouldForce is set, the task's folder will be unset. |
taskId , parentTaskId , shouldForce |
done | set task as finished | taskId |
undone | unfinish the task that was previously marked as finished | taskId |
gtd folder <sub_cmd>
sub_cmd | description | arguments |
create | create a folder | name , desc |
sort | sort a folder | folderId , toInsertTo (number) |
list | list unorganized task | |
delete | delete the folder | folderId , shouldForce |
list-task (list-t) | list task by folder. | folderId , allOrNotDone |
sort-task (sort-t) | sorts tasks by folder | taskId , toInsertTo |
move-task (move-t) | move task to a folder. specify a falsy value to remove it from the folder. |
taskId , newFolderId |
agenda are tasks that is associated to a person.
gtd agenda <sub_cmd>
sub_cmd | description | arguments |
create | create an agenda | name , desc |
sort | sort agendas | agendaId , toInsertTo (number) |
list | list unorganized task | |
list-task (list-t) | list task by agenda. | agendaId , allOrNotDone |
sort-task (sort-t) | sorts tasks by agenda | taskId , toInsertTo |
move-task (move-t) | move task to an agenda. specify a falsy value to remove it from the agenda. |
taskId , newAgendaId |
contexts are one of the best and helpful realization about tasks.
gtd context <sub_cmd>
The parameter autoOrManual
are allowed 3 values:
- resets all contexts, both automatically set and manuallytruthy
value - resets only the automatically set contextfalsy
value - resets only the manuallySetContext
The parameter untilTime
must be a valid time format:
sub_cmd | description | arguments |
create | create an context | name , desc |
sort | sort contexts | contextId , toInsertTo (number) |
list | list unorganized task | |
list-task (list-t) | list task by context. | contextId , allOrNotDone |
sort-task (sort-t) | sorts tasks by context | taskId , toInsertTo |
move-task (move-t) | move task to a context. specify a falsy value to remove it from the context. |
taskId , newContextId |
set-every | sets automatic setting of a context | contextId , everyStatement |
reset | removes manually set contexts and sets the automated ones | autoOrManual |
current | gets the current active contexts | |
set | manually set a context. | contextId , untilTime? |
unset | unset a manually set context |