WSPManager is a Simple windows utility tool.To get the Saved 📡 WiFi network password 🔐 and save it in plain text 📔 file.
WSPManager runs only on windows machine who have WiFi Enabled.
Operating System : Windows
python version : 3.x
UI Files:
- contains the .ui file designed using QTDesigner.
- converted .ui to .py using uic.
pyuic5 -x "WSPManager.ui" -o ""
- Contains working demo pics.
- Main Program logic is here.
Clone this repository in local machine or download this repository and extract it. After Cloning repository go to root directory and run following command in command prompt.
After running above statement you will get following result.
Main Window 💻
About Us 🙋 Window
Go to File and click on save to save Result into text file 📔.
If Any issue arrise contact me at