注1: MCMod上有这个补充包的翻译 (参见 https://www.mcmod.cn/class/9153.html 8楼评论),与本人翻译有细微的差异,至于哪个翻译好,见仁见智吧。
注2: 加载自己手动改引用包名,并加上简体中文语言包的CGM材质重制包后,那里的中文译名似乎并没有因此而改动(我在那个包里,把medium bullet翻译成“中口径子弹”,而在这个语言包中则翻译为“中型子弹”,以便和模组内翻译风格一致)。
Chinese-Simplified language pack for NineZero's Gun Expansion (NZGE) 1.18.2, translated by chemlzh@github according to his understanding on light arms and FPS games.
Note1: Some of the translation has difference with this version on MCMod. (see https://www.mcmod.cn/class/9153.html 8th-floor comments)
Note2: I have installed a CGM texture pack modified and translated by myself, however it seems that the Chinese translation doesn't change even if the texture pack has zh_cn.lang.