An example app designed with micro frontend architectural pattern using Module Federation.
This repository contains an example app created using the micro frontend architect. The app is composed by:
- myarea: the main host app that let a user see his/her orders
- cancel-order: a widget app that let the user delete an order
The cancel-order widget is loaded into the host app using Webpack Module Federation, by loading a widget from a remote url received as dynamic configuration from a remote service. This is an app create for my blog post "Create a microfrontend app using module federation and dynamic configuration". Below you can find a quote from the article.
...There are various way to achive the microfrontend architecture, that usually require a lot of custom work/development and/or the usage of specific frameworks (eg. single-spa etc.). With the release of Webpack 5 there is a new game-changer player in the microfrontend world: Module Federation...
Click here to read the post.
To try the example contained in this repository you just need to run the following commands from the root folder.
npm install
npm start
NB. the commands above will start both apps because we are using concurrently
and npm workspaces. Make sure to have installed npm verion > 7.X.X