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A model for finding mentions of adverse drug reactions in Twitter posts


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Bidirectional LSTM for Labeling Adverse Drug Reactions in Twitter Posts

This repository contains code and data from the paper:

Anne Cocos, Alexander G. Fiks, and Aaron J. Masino. Deep Learning for Pharmacovigilance: Recurrent Neural Network Architectures for Labeling Adverse Drug Reactions in Twitter Posts.

Please cite the following if you use these resources in your own work:

author = {Cocos, Anne and Fiks, Alexander G and Masino, Aaron J},
title = {Deep learning for pharmacovigilance: recurrent neural network architectures for labeling adverse drug reactions in Twitter posts},
journal = {Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association},
volume = {24},
number = {4},
pages = {813},
year = {2017},
doi = {10.1093/jamia/ocw180},
URL = { +},
eprint = {/oup/backfile/content_public/journal/jamia/24/4/10.1093_jamia_ocw180/1/ocw180.pdf}

Note that the code in this release has been updated from the original version to correspond to new versions of Keras and Theano. As a result, the model is missing a dropout layer which will impact the results. For the original release, see v1.0.

Quick Start

  1. Ensure your Python 2.7 environment has all the requirements listed in ./requirements.txt, in particular Theano (v1.0.2) and Keras (v2.2.2). We used an Enthought Canopy Python distribution to cover the rest. Note this code is not yet updated to work with Python 3.

  2. Download the original Twitter ADR Dataset v1.0 and the word2vec_twitter_model from the respective dataset authors by running this script:


  3. It is against Twitter's Terms of Service to publish the text of tweets, so we (and the original Twitter ADR Dataset v1.0 authors) have provided tweet ID's instead, and a script to download the text of each annotated tweet directly from Twitter. Run it with the following command:

    python ./

    Note that you will see numerous errors of the type Error downloading tweet 327323676317974528 (over 780 of these, as of 07-30-2018). This is because you cannot retrieve tweets by users with deleted or private accounts. It is a violation of the Twitter terms of use to distribute full-text tweets for deleted or private accounts.

  4. Prepare the dataset (by running, and train, validate, and test the model (with We've provided an example script that will allow you to create a 90/10 train/validation split from within the combined ASU and CHOP training sets, train the BLSTM, and test on the combined ASU and CHOP test sets:




  1. Files & Directories
  2. Data
  3. Code

Files & Directories

Content Description Script to download ASU Twitter ADR Dataset and Word2Vec Twitter Model from original dataset authors. Script to download the original Tweet text corresponding to Tweet IDs published in the ADR Twitter Dataset v1.0 and CHOP ADHD ADR Dataset Supplement. Will create a new directory data/seq_labeling/ to hold the downloaded tweet data. Example script to get you started with training and testing the model.
data/chop_adhd_adr_supp/ Contains the annotated CHOP ADHD ADR Supplement data, and a list of the Twitter search terms used to gather the raw data.
data/asu_tweets/ Directory where you will download and unpack the ASU Twitter ADR Dataset v1.0 (Nikfarjam et al. 2015) using script Main workhorse for training, validating, and testing the BLSTM RNN model Scoring script, also used in model validation. Written as a Keras Callback so that it can be called by Keras following every training epoch. Downloads Tweet text given a list of Tweet IDs (called by Script to prepare the data as downloaded (in tab-separated value format) for input to the model (pickled format) Lists default directory locations.
utils/ Helper packages for normalization and preprocessing
word2vec_twitter_model/ Directory where you will download and unzip code and data for pre-trained Twitter word embeddings from Godin et al. (2015) using script
model_output/ Directory will be populated with model data and predictions during train/test.


With this model we are releasing the CHOP ADHD ADR Twitter Supplement, which we used to supplement the ASU Twitter ADR Dataset v1.0 for training data. See the included ReadMe.txt for details. As included, the data is divided into Twitter ID and annotation files, and you must run to get the original Tweet text. Running that script will produce train and test data as tab-separated-value files in the directory ./data/seq_labeling/raw with the headings (id,start,end,semantic_type,span,reldrug,tgtdrug,text). The fields start and end denote the indices of the first and last word in the tweet that make up the annotated span (where words are separated by spaces). The semantic_type denotes whether the span is an ADR, Indication, Beneficial reaction, or none of these (Negative). The span gives the span text, the reldrug is the name of the drug related to the span, the tgtdrug is the drug which was searched for to obtain the tweet, and text gives the tweet text.

In general, you can input any sequence labeling to this model that follows the same format. If you need to update the semantic_type headings, you can do so in

Before running the model, you should run in order to build the feature indices and pickle your data for input to the model.