This repository contains tutorial videos and relevant links for using the OHNLP Toolkit, a natural language processing (NLP) tool tailored for medical text ro support de-identification of clinical notes for CHoRUS.
- Description: This video discusses how to define your NLP task, Annotation Guidelines, and how to develop a gold standard corpus using OHNLP MedTator.
- Video File: Annotation and Gold Standard Development.mp4
- MedTator: Official Website | Download Locally
- Description: This video discusses how to develop symbolic rulesets for the OHNLP Toolkit.
- Video File: Symbolic Ruleset Development.mp4
- Web Rules Editor Interface: OHNLP Toolkit Web Rules Editor
- UMLS Metathesaurus: Official Website
- Description: This video discusses how to install the OHNLP Toolkit itself and configure it to point at your local data infrastructure.
- Video File: OHNLP Toolkit Installation and Configuration Guide.mp4
- Installation Script: GitHub Repository
- Test Documents: MTSamples
The bulk of the work over the coming weeks will be on step 3 above. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions via email or our ensuing weekly working sessions.
12:00 - 12:30pm ET, Monday