- To run two detection models with different input image sizes:
python3 2_two_models.py
- Obtain the 3D position (x, y, z) and calculates the distance between the objects:
python3 3_calculate_distance.py
- Implementing probability model:
python3 4_probability.py
- Sending information to Ubidots and alerting by Telegram:
python3 5_Ubidots&Telegram.py
The information can be seen in this link: https://stem.ubidots.com/app/dashboards/public/dashboard/a_HfJthGvk0VDJVFnpFlyOZOJNSB6jOFylS68S7gY4k?nonavbar=true
4A. Top view simulation
python3 4A_Top_View_Demo.py
4B. Initial configuration window
python3 4B_WindowConfig.py
- Deploying Jetson Nano to activate alarms and display to show probability
python3 6_Jetson_Alarms.py