This repository contains a test automation framework for Guardian Open Platform API.
Visit :
- Java: programming language of choice
- Spring: more specifically Spring Core, provides the .properties file property loading and dependency injection
- Cucumber: BDD style framework integrated with Spring
- Maven: dependency management and build tool
- Logback: provides the logging capabilities
- REST-assured: REST services testing framework
- Gson: complementary library for REST-assured to allow JSON messages unmarshalling
- Javaluator: enables the test automation framework to interpret textual boolean queries
The ATF core has the following structure: src\main\java\com\openplatform\atf
│ └─com
│ └─openplatform
│ └─atf
│ └─adapter - contains the API Adapter layer
│ └─domain - domain specific models
│ └─evaluator - textual logical expressions evaluator
│ └─utils - utility classes
│ └─validator - validation layer where all the checks occur
└─resources - currently has only the file
.travis.yml - the manages the Travis CI plugin and the jobs triggered pom.xml - handles all the dependencies and information about the build process
The "entry" point of the framework, the Cucumber .feature files are located in src\test\resources\features
Step definitions can be found in src\test\java\com\openplatform\atf\stepdefs
Cucumber Runner src\test\java\com\openplatform\atf\runner
Not much in the way of setting up the project.
The only requirement is to have Maven installed and configured properly. See: Then Maven should handle all the dependencies by itself.
Bare-bones test framework structure created and is includes perform the following:
- Define BDD style scenarios using Gherkin syntax
- Make REST service API request
- Un-marshal and check response obtained
- Allows integration into CI/CD pipeline
- Provide basic test evidence via logs
- Custom reporting capabilities
- Showcase what is being tested and the value of the tests being run to non-technical people.
- Test evidence (more in-depth extensive test run logs) gathering is also being developed
- Extension and re-factoring of the validation capabilities
- The goal is allow a multitude of validation capabilities coupled with reduction in boilerplate code.
- Current validations are based on assumptions about the content and this result in some test cases failing
- Multi-page results search and validation
- Parallel execution capabilities (likely implies extensive re-factoring)