This repository contains the basic data files and code for the BEV adoption ABM underpinning the dissertation Simulating Electric Vehicle Adoption Using Agent-Based Modeling
- Python 3.10.2
- MESA 2.1.2
- Pandas 1.4.1
The folder 'files' contains the necessary data files. Within 'files' is a folder 'model' containg the python files. Explainations of these items are:
- files
- x_df.pkl .pkl file of a pandas dataframe with the quantified IFEM scores
- time_series_data.pkl .pkl file of the time-series inputs to the model (prices, news, and target registration percents)
- fpop_final.pkl The full synthetic population for loading into the model
- fpop_connections_dict.pkl Forward connection dictionary for social networks among population
- fpop_reverse_connections_dict.pkl Reverse connection dictionary for social networks among population
- model
- Initiates GUI of model
- Supports GUI initiation of model
- Contains the model. Run from terminal for batch runs and improved computational efficiency
- model-precision.ipynb Jupyter notebook for analyzing model BEV adoption against historical
Note 1: The fpop_final.pkl, fpop_connections_dict.pkl, and fpop_reverse_connections_dict.pkl files are too large for GitHub. The ones uploaded here are smaller example files. Contact me for access to the full files.
Note 2: MESA 2.1.2 has a known bug with Random.Activation that was discovered late in model construction. Use of python's random module avoids this problem in the model.