- Authors: Clark Petri and Dr. Hamdi Kavak
- Submitted: SBP-BRIMS 2022 on July 1, 2022
- Accepted: July 31, 2022
- batch.py: batch run file for multiple replications and parameter sweeps. Includes code for producing .csv of output
- model.py: the model class, various agent classes, and requisite functions
- run.py: execute this file from the terminal to launch the model (ensure model.py and server.py are in the same the folder)
- server.py: the MESA visualization suite to produce a browser-based GUI
- test(5).zip: contains .csv of five replication batch run
- test(10).zip: contains .csv of ten replication batch run
- test(15).zip: contains .csv of fifteen replication batch run
(these were the data for model output analysis)