This repository contains the code used to recriate the experiments described on the paper The minimum distance superset problem: formulations and algorithms.
Inside the model module we have the five models described in the paper:
- Quadratic formulation (QP)
- Reformulation-linearization technique (RLT)
- Integer formulation (IP)
- Feasible solution search (FEAS)
- Maximization search (MAX)
In the generator module we have the code responsible for generating the instances tested. According to the paper we divide these instances in four categories:
- Full instances (full)
- Missing distance instances (miss)
- Joint instances (joint)
- Random instances (drand)
In the logs folder, for each pair of instance type and model there is a folder containing the logs of each instance. For each instance there are four related files (.log, .lp, .sol, .time).
- The .log file has the information exported by the solver (gurobi) during the process
- The .lp file has the (latest) model of the problem for that instance
- The .sol file has the best solution found for the the model
- The .time file contains all the elapsed times for each optimzation, along with their status